Download Daniella LoScerbo’s CV here
- Master’s in Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, BC, Sept. 2018 – present
- B.Sc, Honors in Ecology, Minor in Multidisc. Studies in Science, Concordia University, QC, 2018
- High School Diploma, Chemainus Secondary School, BC, 2013
Research experience
Sockeye Estuary Energetics, Sept. 2018 - present
D. Patterson, Dr. J. Moore, Simon Fraser University, BC
For my Master’s thesis, I am researching how the physiological condition of sockeye salmon smolts impacts swim ability and habitat selection throughout the downstream migration corridor, from lake to estuary to ocean.

Social-Ecological Resilience of Pacific Sea Gardens, Jan. 2020 - present
Dr. A. Salomon, Simon Fraser University, BC
In collaboration with Indigenous practitioners and researchers across the Pacific Ocean, our research group is documenting how traditional management and cultivation of sea gardens has lent to social-ecological resilience of the past and to inform present resource management.

Salmon Migration Physiology, Fraser River, BC, 2019
D. Patterson, Environmental Watch Program, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada
In response to the landslide within the Fraser River watershed, I was stationed at the Big Bar emergency response field station to monitor adult salmon physiological condition and migration success. Tasks included acoustic tagging of adult salmon, set-up and monitoring of receiver and sonar stations, physiological sampling from salmon at site, such as blood and plasma extraction, fin clips for DNA, and whole-body lipid measurements.

Biogeography of Odonate Parasitism, 2016 - 2018
Dr. J.P. Lessard, Concordia University, QC
During my honor’s thesis, I examined how parasitism of dragonfly and damselfly communities is constrained by host evolutionary history, lake vegetation, and climatic variables.

Human Impacts on Mammal Use of Highway Underpasses, 2016 - 2017
Dr. J. Jaeger, Concordia University
In collaboration with the Ministry of Transport of Quebec and Corridor Appalachian, I led a research project monitoring mammal use of underpasses below a high traffic highway bisecting the essential wildlife corridor of the Northern Appalachian region, QC.

Immunology of Nanoparticle Pollution, 2015
Dr. P. Darlington, Concordia University
To investigate the risk of nanoparticle inhalation to human respiratory health, I conducted an experiment on the immunological response of human T cells following the exposure to ceria nanoparticles.
- Federal Master’s Scholarship, CGSM, NSERC, Canada, 2019
- Provincial Master’s Scholarship, FRQNT, QC, 2018
- Graduate Fellowship, Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, BC, 2018
- Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Simon Fraser University, BC, 2018
- Concordia Undergraduate Science Research Award, Concordia University, QC, 2017
- Undergraduate Science Research Award, NSERC, Concordia University, QC, 2016
- Biodiversity Science Discovery Award, Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science, QC, 2016
- Carolyn and Richard Renaud In-Course Bursary, Concordia University, QC, 2016
Academic Outreach
- West Coast Estuaries Symposium Co-chair, Amer. Fisheries Society, Virtual Conference, 2020
- REM Faculty Search Committee, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, 2020
- Volunteer Group Leader, Girls in STEAM, Science World, Vancouver, BC, 2019
- Carry-over Effects in Salmon Symposium Co-chair, Amer. Fisheries Society, Reno Nevada, USA, 2019
- Graduate Student Society Student Representative, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, 2019
- Editorial Services - Reviewer, Journal of Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 2019
- Vancouver Farmers Market, Vancouver, BC, Present
- To help with access to local food sources and supporting local farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic, I began volunteering weekly with the VFM.
- QUEST Food Exchange, Vancouver, BC, 2020
- QUEST is a not-for-profit organization that provides dignified access to a variety of affordable and healthy foods to individuals facing food security challenges in British Columbia.
- Clam Garden Restoration Project, Gulf Islands National Park, Saanich, BC, 2019
- Through a collaboration between Gulf Islands National Park, Simon Fraser University & the Hulqu’im’inum Working Group, I assisted in restoration of traditional clam gardens throughout the Gulf Islands, as well as identification of bivalves, algae and intertidal invertebrates for ongoing biological monitoring.
- Invasive Freshwater Invertebrates, Dr. Ricciardi, McGill University, QC, 2017
- I assisted with the collection of a species of invasive crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, from the Rouge River, Toronto, ON, for behavioral and physiological research.
- Fluent in French and English, oral and written
Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization
- Spatial analysis in ArcGIS and QGIS
- Statistical analysis and visualization in R, R Studio, RMarkdown
- Data validation and collaboration in Github
Field work
- Biological monitoring and sampling techniques for terrestrial and aquatic insects, juvenile salmon, and inter-tidal invertebrates and algae
- Remote monitoring and identification of wildlife using infra-red and motion detection cameras
- Environmental data collection of water chemistry, habitat calssifcation via dominant vegetation
- Identification of terrestrial, aquatic, and inter-tidal invertebrates, bivalves, algae and salmonids
- Physiological sampling of salmonids, including DNA, blood chemistry, and gill condition
- Installation and maintenance of radio telemetry for tracking of salmonids
- Experience and confidence working in remote locations, year round
- CPR-C and Wilderness First Aid, certified March 2019
- PADI Open Water, dry suit, certified Jan. 2020.

- Class 5 Driver’s License, 2012
- Pleasure Craft Operator, 2009
Laboratory analysis
- Bio-energetics: Proximate constituent analysis of % lipid, water, carbohydrates and protein
- Enzyme activation: Assays of salmonid gill Na+ K+ ATPase.

LoScerbo et al. "Phylogenetically conserved host traits and local abiotic conditions jointly drive the geography of parasite intensity." Funct Ecol. 2020;00:1–11.
March 01, 2017
Talk at Road Ecology and Climate Change Conference, Quebec City, QC
May 12, 2017
Talk at 85e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montreal, QC
October 03, 2019
Symposium Co-host at American Fisheries Society Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA
April 30, 2020
Symposium Co-host at American Fisheries Science - Virtual Spring Conference, Vancouver, BC